Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve; which affects the brain’s ability to send and receive signals. Symptoms of MS varies based on location and severity of attack of the immune system, so each attack may present differently. Immune system attacks the protective insulation surrounding a nerve known as ‘Myelin’. The breakdown of myelin results in inflammation, and eventually destruction of the myelin layer. Destroyed myelin is replaced by scars of harden patches of tissues, this results in nerve impulses to be less efficietly transmitted.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

  • Difficulties of gait (walking and balance), in severe cases, paralysis
  • Loss of muscle coordination
  • Fatigue
  • Imparied vision
  • Tremors and stiffness
  • Slurred speech
  • Bladder and bowel problems

There have been numerous advances in the medical industry, unfortunately to date there is no cure for MS. Although, stem cell therapy is shinning light on a better approach to address the symptoms of the disease cycle of MS.

How does stem cell therapy benefit multiple sclerosis?

Stem cell therapy intially subdues the debilitating symtoms of MS caused by the inflammation, this also prevents further cell death. Over a longer period, stem cells play a role in regeneration of the damaged zones of myelin shealth.

Adult stem cells repair injured tissues, organs; in this scenario their repair their nerve cells by:

  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Prevent further cell death
  • Reduce scar tissue, promote normal function of nerve cells
  • Stimulate cell and tissue regeneration
  • Creation of new blood vessels

The Procedure

Stem cell treatments at TheSwissClinic are minimally invasive, most often an outpatient procedure so patient may go home the same day. Recovery times vary patient to patient, we strive to keep our patients downtime to the minimum. What happens at our clinic on the day of your procedure:

  • Physician makes a tiny puncture through your skin either in abdomen or thighs, to harvest a small amount of fat.
  • The fat is then processed in a Lipogems device using sterile saline solution. During this gentle process of micro-fragmentation, fat is washed, rinsed and resized into smaller clusters all while maintaining its natural healing phenomenon. This closed-loop system removes blood, fatty oils and inflammatory cells, leaving behind the concentrated fat (pericytes) which is therapeutic.
  • Prior to stem cell therapy infusion, mannitol, a type of intravenous fliud, is administered. This is to facilitate the stem cells in crossing the blood brain barrier, for a more effective stem cells delivery.
  • Physician injects the resultant cells into the blood stream intravenously. The amount administered is altered according to ones individualized treatment plan.